Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Once a Bunhead, Always a Bunhead
Recently I have been following the work of a photographer in New York. He takes amazing shots of ballet dancers in and around the city. Since my cute hubby is quite the photographer, I asked him if we could try something similar. We went up the canyon to Log Haven, the Capitol Building and the Cathedral of the Madeline. After only a few hours, some major goose bumps (it was freezing!) and only a few weird looks from on-lookers, we ended up with some pretty nice shots...or at least we think so! (Click on them to see the whole gallery)
Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head
Landon had a little friend, Ellie, that lived right across the way from us in Quarry Bend. Since then Landon has considered Ellie his "best friend" and nearly every night before bed we have to tell Landon a story that inevitably involves Ellie is some way. These pictures depict only one of their little play dates. They were taking turns putting the Mr. Potato Head pieces on each other. Of course I couldn't miss a picture opportunity and snapped a few quick shots.
Hogal Zoo
On a lazy Saturday afternoon we decided to run up to the zoo and spend a few hours. Brooklyn was amazed by all the animals. Nearly every one got a very enthusiastic wave from our little Brookie. Landon was probably more into all the people there. As usual he would strike up a conversation with just about anyone within listening range. Our favorite exhibit was probably the elephants. There was a little baby that had more fun kicking around a big metal trash can than playing with the toys intended for this use (Sound like your kids, or is it just mine?).
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Disneyland 2010
The last 3 are videos you need to click on. Click on any pictures to see the whole gallery. Enjoy!
Landon tried on every Mickey hat in the store and decided the birthday one was his favorite.
Landon and Kaden giving Mater a hug.
Family Pic
It was so HOT, these splash areas were a life saver.
Landon's eyes were glued to the stage during this Playhouse Disney show.
After a fun filled day, Landon fell asleep just as we were leaving the park.
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Best Dad in the World

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad
Author Unknown
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad
Author Unknown
We love you Daddy. Happy Father's Day!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Happy Memories
So I was going through some old video footage and came across the movie Sean put together of our trip to Hawaii. We were lucky enough to be able to go with Sean's family right after we were married. It was so much fun and we have so many good memories from that trip. I wanted to throw the video out here so everyone can reminisce about beautiful Hawaii with us. ALOHA!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Sunday, May 30, 2010
San Fran
Sean went down to San Fransisco for the Google convention with some co-workers. I didn't want to miss the opportunity to get away and so I flew down after the conference was over for a few days of exploration and fun. We literally crammed in everything...Golden Gate, Ghirardelli Square, a segway tour, Alcatraz, Lombard Street, the redwoods, the Oakland temple...the list goes on and on. I enjoyed getting to know the people he works with more and of course all of us wives got along great. In short we had a wonderful time filled with memories of the few and far between, ever coveted, vacations without kids! (Click on the pics for more!)

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Dino Land
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Landon Picks Mac Over PC
Landon approached me today and asked flat out, "Mommy, buy iphone?" I was quite surprised and repeated what I thought he had said just to make sure I got it right. After he assured me my ears were not playing tricks on me, I proceeded to ask Sean if he taught him to say that. "Nope", came his simple reply, followed by a chuckle.
I guess in short, the moral of this story is...marketing works...even on 2 year olds!
I guess in short, the moral of this story is...marketing works...even on 2 year olds!

Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter 2010
The Easter bunny came and went. He brought Landon a "Itsy Bitsy Spider" book (which I think we have read a hundred times already) amongst other edible goodies. Since it snowed this year, we did the Easter egg hunt inside at Grammy's. At first Landon just had fun finding the eggs and putting them in his basket. Then one popped open as he picked it up and when he realized there was candy inside, it was a whole different ballgame! We had a blast watching him.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Thank Heaven for Jelly Beans
Last Thursday I was at my mother-in-laws with Landon and Brooklyn. We were packing up the kids in the car so we could leave when a neighbor walked up. We chatted for a bit since Brooklyn was happy in the car and Landon sat in the front seat and "drove" the car.
All of a sudden I hear the car lock. I whip around and start to freak out, but then Helen points out that we left the back door open. PHEW! We continue to talk when I glance over and see Landon pick up a wrapper. I suddenly realize that I had eaten a pack of peanut butter crackers on the way here and I thought there was one left. Since Landon is allergic to peanuts, naturally I run to the front door and try to open it, but remember it was locked. I fly around the car and in my haste to reach the front passenger door, I slammed the back door shut.
Oh...my...gosh. Did I really just do that?? What an idiot! Luckily there weren't any crackers left so there was so immediate danger. And Brooklyn was happy as a clam which was a major bonus. The neighbor ran to her house and grabbed a big tub of jelly beans, while Helen and I tried to get Landon to unlock the door. When we offered him the candy he scrambled over the seats and plopped himself in his car seat. Any other time I would have busted up laughing. He was trying to be so good to get the candies. It really only took a few minutes to get him to unlock the door, thank goodness.
I can't believe how lucky we were. You always hear of horror stories where kids get locked in the car for hours and they are crying and undoubtedly the mom is crying too. I learned my lesson though...don't put your bag in the car until you are ready to go (unless you have a bunch of jelly beans handy)!
All of a sudden I hear the car lock. I whip around and start to freak out, but then Helen points out that we left the back door open. PHEW! We continue to talk when I glance over and see Landon pick up a wrapper. I suddenly realize that I had eaten a pack of peanut butter crackers on the way here and I thought there was one left. Since Landon is allergic to peanuts, naturally I run to the front door and try to open it, but remember it was locked. I fly around the car and in my haste to reach the front passenger door, I slammed the back door shut.
Oh...my...gosh. Did I really just do that?? What an idiot! Luckily there weren't any crackers left so there was so immediate danger. And Brooklyn was happy as a clam which was a major bonus. The neighbor ran to her house and grabbed a big tub of jelly beans, while Helen and I tried to get Landon to unlock the door. When we offered him the candy he scrambled over the seats and plopped himself in his car seat. Any other time I would have busted up laughing. He was trying to be so good to get the candies. It really only took a few minutes to get him to unlock the door, thank goodness.
I can't believe how lucky we were. You always hear of horror stories where kids get locked in the car for hours and they are crying and undoubtedly the mom is crying too. I learned my lesson though...don't put your bag in the car until you are ready to go (unless you have a bunch of jelly beans handy)!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Pure Inspiration
I found a blog that touched me so profoundly that I felt I must share it others. It is about a woman who lost a child. A sweet 8 week old little boy named Gavin. I was brought to tears as I read her story. I was amazed at her strength and faith in the Lord. I can't imagine going through something as heart breaking as losing a child. I think I would be angry. Just angry. How could you go on? When that sweet spirit could not move with you? I am inspired, by her poetry like writing, to be better. To cherish the important things in life. To kiss more often and hug a little longer.To thank our Heavenly Father everyday for the many good things with which I have been blessed. I hope you are as inspired by her story as I was. Thank you Natalie, for allowing us to enter your heart, and hope and grieve with you.
"Have you ever watched a caterpillar
form a chrysalis?
. . .
emerge a butterfly?
It is miraculous.
The caterpillar,
creates this tiny sack. . .
and I mean tiiiiiiiiny compared to the ginormity
of his caterpillar body.
he seals his LARGE body inside.
It seems physically impossible.
probably because it is.
physically impossible.
the chrysalis sits.
and sits.
and sits.
all alone.
subject to wind and rain
and all kinds of natural elements that would seek its destruction.
then one day, up you look.
and there,
is this absolutely beautiful butterfly.
perfect in every.way.
utterly impossible. . .
except that it's not.
Reminds me of something. . .
squashed by the realities that are unique to a fallen world.
feeling utterly alone.
then one day,
out of what seems like nowhere,
we'll emerge.
beautiful butterflies.
What an awesome God he is"
form a chrysalis?
. . .
emerge a butterfly?
It is miraculous.
The caterpillar,
creates this tiny sack. . .
and I mean tiiiiiiiiny compared to the ginormity
of his caterpillar body.
he seals his LARGE body inside.
It seems physically impossible.
probably because it is.
physically impossible.
the chrysalis sits.
and sits.
and sits.
all alone.
subject to wind and rain
and all kinds of natural elements that would seek its destruction.
then one day, up you look.
and there,
is this absolutely beautiful butterfly.
perfect in every.way.
utterly impossible. . .
except that it's not.
Reminds me of something. . .
squashed by the realities that are unique to a fallen world.
feeling utterly alone.
then one day,
out of what seems like nowhere,
we'll emerge.
beautiful butterflies.
What an awesome God he is"
Friday, March 19, 2010
Big Boy Bed
We gave up the crib and moved Landon to a twin. He loved it and actually slept through the night as well as a nap.
Of course this new bed merited some jumping. He just kept saying "So Excited!".
Four Eyes
Doctor said that I was far-sided, which generally means good vision, but viewing things up close was like running a marathon without shoes. The glasses are supposed to be the shoes. Funny enough there is still a lot of debate about how it might actually be better for you to run a marathon barefoot.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
You think these two are related?
We took pictures of Brooklyn today and almost instantly on seeing this picture of Brooklyn, we remembered the exact same face by Landon at three months. We know who the mother is, now it's pretty clear that they at least have the same father.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
We recently went to San Diego to visit my family. We had a great time, despite the rain. We were planning on going to Seaworld on Tuesday, but of course the weather had other ideas. We packed up the car on Thursday to head home and when we got on the freeway Sean turns to me and says, "Let's go to Seaworld". I thought he was joking and decided I would call his bluff and said, "Sure, why not". Well, needless to say, he wasn't joking. So, we heading home by way of Seaworld. The park was totally empty because of the weather and we left just as it started to rain. It was perfect!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Happy 2010
The new year has arrived, complete with new year resolutions, noise makers and sparkling apple cider. We spent it over at Sean's parents house with the Shoemakers.
Poor Landon fell into the bath tub while reaching for the bar of soap. Although it was sad...it was also quite funny. And of course we made him stand in the water while we snapped a couple pictures. We are terrible parents!
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