Monday, March 22, 2010

Pure Inspiration

I found a blog that touched me so profoundly that I felt I must share it others. It is about a woman who lost a child. A sweet 8 week old little boy named Gavin. I was brought to tears as I read her story. I was amazed at her strength and faith in the Lord. I can't imagine going through something as heart breaking as losing a child. I think I would be angry. Just angry. How could you go on? When that sweet spirit could not move with you? I am inspired, by her poetry like writing, to be better. To cherish the important things in life. To kiss more often and hug a little longer.To thank our Heavenly Father everyday for the many good things with which I have been blessed. I hope you are as inspired by her story as I was. Thank you Natalie, for allowing us to enter your heart, and hope and grieve with you.

"Have you ever watched a caterpillar
form a chrysalis?

. . .

emerge a butterfly?

It is miraculous.

The caterpillar,
creates this tiny sack. . .
and I mean tiiiiiiiiny compared to the ginormity
of his caterpillar body.

he seals his LARGE body inside.

It seems physically impossible.

probably because it is.

physically impossible.

the chrysalis sits.
and sits.
and sits.

all alone.


subject to wind and rain
and all kinds of natural elements that would seek its destruction.

then one day, up you look.
and there,
is this absolutely beautiful butterfly.

perfect in every.way.

utterly impossible. . .

except that it's not.

Reminds me of something. . .

squashed by the realities that are unique to a fallen world.

feeling utterly alone.

then one day,
out of what seems like nowhere,
we'll emerge.

beautiful butterflies.

What an awesome God he is"

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