So I turned 23 yesterday...horray! I had a wonderful day. I kind of guessed what my gift from Sean was. He got me the last band for my ring. It looks fabulous and I LOVE it! But Sean can be pretty sneaky. He told me that we were going to dinner and then to the ballet. So being a ballerina, that was perfect in my mind. We decided to go to dinner at The Bambara which is right across the street from Capitol Theater. As we approached the door of the restaurant, he asked if it was ok if we didn't go to the ballet. I was a little confused but said yes of course. He then pointed to the marquee and said, because the ballet is over. I turned my head to look at the theater and saw the big WICKED sign. I was so excited I think I actually hit him (sorry babe). I couldn't believe it. It was impossible to get tickets...how?...when?...OH MY GOSH! It turns out that we were sitting right next to Tineka and Tim, which made the night even better. The show was amazing. I couldn't understand why people would go see the show multiple times when the tickets were so expensive. Now I know. I would go see it again tonight if I could get my hands on some tickets! Thank you for a wonderful birthday Sean. I love you!